1.  설명

오늘은 평소 자주 쓰는 모달 팝업을 올려놓습니다.

은근히 이런 모달 팝업들이 종종 사용되는 경우가 많은 것 같습니다.


2.  HTML

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        <p>View as interview text</p>
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            <h4>Artist Interview</h4>
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                    Heart characters represents myself. I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and
                    sometimes live scary days, but I live with positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and
                    social phobia, but all of this is overcome by the power of love. I hope that positive energy will
                    spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs, which are looking for happiness through new challenges
                    and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes live scary days, but I live with
                    positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and social phobia, but all of this is overcome by
                    the power of love. I hope that positive energy will spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs,
                    which are looking for happiness through new challenges and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes live scary days, but I live with
                    positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and social phobia, but all of this is overcome by
                    the power of love. I hope that positive energy will spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs,
                    which are looking for happiness through new challenges and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes
    <!-- 팝업 및 팝업 뒷배경 -->



3.  CSS

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4.  JS

const modal_popup = function () {
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5.  전체

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    <!-- 모달 팝업 작동 시키는 텍스트 -->
    <div class="modal">
        <p>View as interview text</p>
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            <h4>Artist Interview</h4>
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                    Heart characters represents myself. I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and
                    sometimes live scary days, but I live with positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and
                    social phobia, but all of this is overcome by the power of love. I hope that positive energy will
                    spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs, which are looking for happiness through new challenges
                    and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes live scary days, but I live with
                    positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and social phobia, but all of this is overcome by
                    the power of love. I hope that positive energy will spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs,
                    which are looking for happiness through new challenges and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes live scary days, but I live with
                    positive thoughts. I once experienced depression and social phobia, but all of this is overcome by
                    the power of love. I hope that positive energy will spread to the world through Happy Heart NFTs,
                    which are looking for happiness through new challenges and adventures.
                    <b>Q. Heart characters represents myself.</b><br>
                    I always look around and look around, feel vulnerable and sometimes
    <!-- 팝업 및 팝업 뒷배경 -->

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        const modal_popup = function () {
            $('.modal p').click(function () {

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6.  실행




'웹 개발 > 자주쓰는 코드' 카테고리의 다른 글

tab menu custom 심플 반응형  (1) 2022.11.03
jquery scroll event 순수제작  (2) 2022.11.03
SSL 인증서 총정리  (3) 2022.10.26
php recaptcha v3 사용법 심플적용  (8) 2022.09.15

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